Short introduction

Christ is the Cure

CITC seeks to encourage deeper engagement on various theological topics while hoping to spark a desire and interest in others to mine the depths of Biblical Studies, Theology, and Church History.

CITC’s content mainly focuses on enriching Christians in whatever walk of life they may be in, seeking to spark an interest in theology and the riches of scripture to love and glorify God. Building off the principle that theology is for everyone, the approach of Christ is the Cure’s content tries to focus on quality over quantity. CITC seeks to provide accessible materials on theology and examinations of various topics and theological positions. Christ is the Cure’s covered subjects and topics range wildly and are from a Protestant perspective, considering scripture and history, while holding to the 1644/46 London Baptist Confession of Faith.

Nick puts in the work. He is fair and even-handed in his treatment of doctrinal issues, careful to distinguish primary doctrines of the Christian faith from the lesser secondary and tertiary. Nick’s love for God, His Word, and His Church is evident and edifying.


The thing I love so much about this podcast is the amount of work they put into research and articulating biblical topics in a way that is both educational and easy to understand. I appreciate the cited sources for further reading and I appreciate the amount of time that is taken to create quality content. When someone asks me to recommend a stellar Christian podcast, this is the first one that comes to mind.

Casey E.

Christ Is The Cure is hands down one of my favorite podcasts to listen to. I love how well researched Nick is and how prepared and organized he is for each episode. I also love the broad range of theological topics he covers… I love to learn new things and that is something that happens every single episode. Nick is also fair and balanced in his coverage of theological positions that he may not adhere to. 

Marcie M.

While I may not always agree with Nick 100%, I appreciate the research he puts into his podcasts and the fact that he accurately represents all the views before giving critiques. This means he isn’t beating up a straw man, and is only offering relevant criticism. This has been very encouraging because it is rare to find someone who deals with issues honestly and objectively.

Erik f.
Min. Funding Goal
Max. Funding Goal

Christ is the Cure is Subscriber Supported

As a supporter of CITC, you help the production of high quality content that is utilized by Christians across the globe. Christ is the Cure’s materials have been used by pastors, teachers, student ministries, small groups, and individuals since CITC’s beginning. CITC is able to host and produce its contents because of generous supporters. There are also some perks for joining the support team such as access to early content, background discussions, and access to patron exclusive courses.

Please Note: Christ is the Cure is not a tax-except, 501(c)(3) organization and your patronage is not tax deductible. Those on the support team should consult with their own tax advisor if they have any questions.

Countries Reached: Including Seven on the World Watch List of Persecuted Countries
Languages utilized for CITC materials for use in international congregations including Spanish, Hindi, Thai, Korean, and Japanese
Downloads of the Christ is the Cure Podcast
Current Patrons on the Support Team

Legal Disclaimer/Notice: Please note that Christ is the Cure is not a tax-exempt (501(c)(3) organization and your generous gift is not tax-deductible. Donors should consult with their own tax advisor with any questions.