I had a friendly debate/discussion with Jarett on the subject of whether or not we should use Bethel, Hillsong, or Jesus Culture for congregational worship. Below is a dropbox link with the debate audio for download or feel free to use the audio player below!

Note: This debate presupposes the reality that these groups are theological cults associated with the Prosperity/Word of Faith/NAR movement.

I hope it is edifying and answers any questions one may have on this subject.

Here is the link to access the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j223sn09o0pl6or/Debate%20audio.m4a?dl=0

To just listen to the debate – listen here:

Debate audio (cuts out at end, however that was the end of the discussion)

For other resources on Bethel in particular click here and here

Here is an article by Costi Hinn on this subject here

Justin Peters discusses Hillsong in worship here

Both Costi Hinn and Justin Peter’s should be referred to for a lot of solid material on these groups and subjects.


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