I’m excited to announce that Tiptoeing Through TULIP: A Crash Course Comparison of Classical Arminianism and Calvinism is now available to pick up in paperback and preorder on kindle. I hope it proves to be a helpful resource for you. You can pick it up here:

Excerpt from the introduction:
“This book is not meant to be a persuasive argument for either side nor will it give you every detail of the two positions. Instead, it will touch on key points you’ll need to consider – many of which will highlight how the debates are often framed around the wrong issues.”
From the description,
“In the complex world of theology, two doctrines continue to spark passionate debate: Calvinism and Arminianism. Instead of choosing sides, this book aims to bring clarity to these complicated ideas, inviting readers to learn about the profound similarities and differences underpinning each doctrine.
The battleground is formed around three key concepts: predestination, free will, and election. This book seeks to dismantle common misconceptions and straw man arguments through careful exploration, fostering a richer understanding of the two theologies, leading to better dialogue.
The reader will find themselves journeying through theological history and navigating the maze of misinterpretations as well as deep-seated beliefs of both ideologies. This book aims to offer a panoramic view of these rich theological traditions, enabling readers to forge their own informed understanding of these monumental doctrines.”
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